
Showing posts from September, 2018

Nani o yuki ni suru

Nani o yuki ni suru. Hakuba,  Japan Circa '08 Theres no better feeling than making fresh tracks in knee deep pow. It took well over 1 hr to hike up and not even 5 mins to get down. Memories that will last forever.


So Cal 90742, Huntington Beach, California Circa '08 So Windy, So Sandy, So Surfy, So Relaxing, So Happening, So Cloudy, So Ominous, So Built up, So Gritty, So Grainy, So Gangster, So Iconic, So 90742,  So Cal  

Bike Rack

Bike Rack, Newcastle West NSW circa '18 After sleeping in the van after opening night of our class exhibition, I stumbled across the bike racks that have been installed in Newcastle West. Great use of space and frees up our footpaths. It also doubles as a Art Feature. 

Is There a Dr in the House?

Is There a Dr in the House........., Rock Shop Newcastle Circa '18 Since its birth in April 1960, this Dr. has prescribed over 100 million pairs of boots to all walks of life and is still making steps near 60 years later.

Rock Steady

Rock Angeles, LA California Circa '06 Calm before the storm, the crowd waits in anticipation for the verse to finish and the chorus to drop. Thats when the mood shifts from somber to all out chaos, Air guitars to crowd surfers they all jostle for position to bust a move that the music brings out.


  H OLLYWOO D, Los Angeles Circa '06   Where dreams are made...….. Allegedly. Hollywood was established in 1853 with a single hut on land outside of Los Angeles, California. This sign was erected in 1923 with the original reading "Hollywoodland" to advertise a new housing development. Cited from